Why to Shorten URL?

When you share your brand content online, people will judge every aspect of what you are putting there. Thus, to get the maximum perks out of your social posts, it is vital to think about how your URL looks and shortening URLs.

URL shortening services are experiencing a renaissance today. Below are the reasons why you need to shorten your URLs:

1. Easy Clicking

It is vital to shorten the URL links because it is easier for an audience to trust and click a shorter link.

2. Save Character Space

The biggest advantage of a short URL is to save character space when typing instant SMS, email, and messages on Twitter and other microblogging websites. They have strict character-count, and long URLs consume plenty of space.

3. Count Clicks

Link shortener tools offer analytics so that users can track the link clicks. This helps them to find out:

  • • From which channel they are getting clicks
  • • At what time the click was made
  • • Which posts has more likes
  • • And other information

It helps them create excellent quality products and produce more targeted content.

4. To Get an Attractive Web Address

Few marketers use a URL shortener service to turn lengthy and unattractive URL to free Web hosting service or ISP to a more attractive Web address.

5. Conceal Original Domain Name

Other users make use of a shortening URL service is to hide the original domain name when posting the URL.

6. To Maximize Traffic

With URL shorteners, you can also maximize traffic re-directs from social media platforms to your site.