What is a Custom Domain for URL Shortening?

URL shorteners have also received criticism in the previous years due to security concerns. The generic short URLs use just a few random characters. This makes it easy for hackers to scam them using a brute force attack. This means that the intruders could easily view and access the important web pages.

Thus, the best way to prevent malicious hacking is to use a custom domain name for a URL shortener. A custom domain (also called a 'vanity URL') is a method to create links that include your brand name. They are worth using because it helps users accomplish their marketing goals fast.

Remember, Twitter uses its own URL shortening tool. However, it will get replaced if you use your own branded URL. LinkedIn will swap your branded vanity URL to its own shortened URL. You can use customized short links:

  • • In emails
  • • On video links
  • • In print materials

Increases Brand Awareness

Vanity URLs are real words that are easy to read and remember. It allows the audience to identify and associate all your links with your products or services. When people notice your brand name, they are more likely to trust and click your links. This leads to higher CTR.

Offers Better Link Management

Using your own branded domain offers full control over the short links. You can:

  • • Delete them
  • • Edit the description
  • • Redirect the destination

Boosted SEO

By adding a keyword in the URL slug, you will get improved SEO. This allows you to stay ahead over competitors.